

Coming in the Flesh

In I John 4:1-3, John says that anyone who…. confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh… is antichrist. The Greek translation of …is come…, also reads…to come or is coming. In other words, the two comings of Jesus, the eternal Son of God, in the flesh or body, are fundamental to our faith. And because of the religious events of September 11 and after, this knowledge is even more vital.

What is the relationship between the two comings of Jesus? How do they work together? To understand and experience His first coming to the cross, produces a longing for His Second Coming to wear a crown. Because the cross is where the “self life” dies, and His life begins in us. The cross is where “this world” in us dies, and the “next world” becomes our all now!

If His return is not filling your head and heart, have you really understood His first coming in the flesh to die on the cross? Have you confessed from your heart? Have you been to the cross to die to sin, self, and this world? So anyone who speaks before people, who is not filled in their heart and mouth with the proper understanding of the two comings of the Lord, is against Christ or antichrist. To omit or neglect speaking about either of His comings is to make the other incomprehensible. This is how His cross and its true meaning and purpose has been disfigured by many today. Remember, Jesus Christ loves you very much and wants you to know the truth about him!

I´ve spent every waking hour since September 11 urging people to get close to Jesus, very close, for religious deception is intensifying. Only the blood of Jesus and Holy Spirit can keep us from the onslaught of the “Angel of Light” who comes in the name of God, but not the true God.

Many people that I have talked to are really troubled and even angry at me. For I told them that if George Bush is truly a born again believer, he would publicly tell the world to repent of their sins, believe in Jesus, His cross and resurrection; and tell them that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. He also would tell them Jesus is coming back to judge the world any day and all of this is the only hope for mankind. This is the desire and calling of everyone who has the Spirit of God in them.

But, instead, we get this religious call to unite with all to fight against fanatic religious terrorism. The Bible says we who are born from above know we are “seated in Heaven with God….citizens of Heaven….ambassadors of God.” We are sent with a new nature, Jesus in us, to call people out of the darkness of the this world´s kingdoms, including America, into His Kingdom.

What we are watching before our very eyes is the stage being set for the Antichrist, who comes in the name of God to bring peace to the world. How long it takes to set the stage only God knows. However, George Bush has the ear of every soul on earth right now. The people of Earth are terrified, they want answers, they want to know what is going to happen. My heart is full of sorrow because this is the day of decision for Christendom, and most are being led away into great delusion.