Dearest Jack, with a heavy heart but a hopeful spirit I’m writing to you. My precious son died from a accidental shooting on December 30th 2016. I found his body and I’m still recovering from the horror and shock. I want to you know something. I went to a place of complete darkness when I could not feel God’s presence. I wanted to die and subconsciously I tried to take my life. I kept crying out “Lord, why have you forsaken me?” after 9 days of the darkest period of my life, The prayers of others finally worked and a great light enveloped me. I was freed from the most evil spirit there is. I learned something so profound in my life, something I thought I knew about myself but was proven. I can withstand anything this world throws at me but I can’t live feeling apart from God. YES, I do love God first and foremost above all!!!! God bless you, Jack, and your family. If you could just say a prayer for me that God keeps teaching me his ways, I would be grateful. Love from your old friend, Tammie
Praying to be accounted worthy
There is lots of truth in your message,of which most people can benefit from by having access to it.The evil of poverty has moved people from learning and understanding the truth. The sickness of poverty has lead them to venture into what looks like the solution from their poverty situation and other social predicaments.
Hi,my name is tika cantika
Please continue as we’re in great need of real biblical teaching, especially as these days play out as Paul said they would.
ame: Richard Eugene Fielder Jr
Email: [email protected]
Date: May 20th, 2010
It is great to be able to come to your site and i just love the truth. That was me then…
NOW www.disciples of For The real truth..
I am interest in the book and want to know more about this type of subject.
This interesting because I have never read any thing like it in all my readings on prophecy.
There are a lot of nice comments in here about faith and jesus. Keep your faith strong and do never back down!
Jack ~ reached out to you, no response – Hope all is well – HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIEND!!
God is Good
Hey jack I’m using this website for a work cited page and I just wanted to know when this website might’ve been published
I so agree w/ your assessment of American in prophecy! I am stunned at the blindness of the American Church.
Thank you for your personal testimony to the gospel of God’s glory that came to you and your wife. God’s timeline according to His Word. Praise to God for Sandy being received into the kingdom of God through the New Covenant, i was so happy to hear that he received the good news of God’s gospel. i needed to hear again the documented facts from the scripture about the building of man and the building of God, the truth about the U.S and the 11 nations (political and religious government, the beast false prophet and antichrist. a time of great spiritual deception in the name of Christ,many coming in his name saying, he is the Christ (like that woman who had a spirit of divination (vaticanus–divining serpent). I hope new covenant jews and gentiles in the churches who took monetary bribes and partnered themselves with the beast, the false prophet to endorse false peace and security using faith-based initiatives will hear God’s call to them to come out of her (the mother of harlots mixed with ancient mysteries (other gods). thank you for the 2 page outline you wrote. God bless you.
Dear Brother Jack,
I miss your updates. I hope and pray that you’re doing well. Please continue as we’re in great need of real biblical teaching, especially as these days play out as Paul said they would.
May God continue to bless you!
Wonderful to find your site. I was pleased with the information I found. I have listened and disected scripture myself revealing what is to come and you site while it differs a bit for my own understanding it seems it is led through the holy spirit so I am happy to read updates from you.
Eternal sister,
Somehow, I lost track of you and your Newsletter when I got my new computer…missing your articles a lot over the last several months. Will be good to hear from you. Shalom
Hi Jack!! I pray you and Carol are well. I’m hanging in there and growing in the word of our lord, Jesus Christ. I’m keeping an eye on the times and I pray our Lord comes soon. The evil of this world is overwhelming and the suffering seems too much to bear. I will stay strong in the faith and keep praying for the children s deliverance. Take care and keep up the good work. We need your wisdom!
Just want to say thanks for the work you’ve put into understanding and explaining Biblical prophecy. By the way, do you have a newsletter for updates to your site? If so, I’d like to be added.
thanks bro for information