HomeOrthodoxy and Russia’s Manifest Destiny Russky mir is Russia’s new version of manifest destiny. By Paul Ladouceur Several times Russian church and state leaders have been enraptured by the idea that the Russian people and its political expression have a special mission or “manifest destiny” to accomplish. Successive iterations of this “Russian idea” reflect a growing convergence of religion, ethnicity, and nationalism with state power into an explosive secular ideology bent on imposing its worldview within Russia, surrounding countries, the Orthodox Church, and worldwide. The first iteration became prominent after the union Council of Ferrera between the Roman and the Orthodox Churches in 1439 and the fall of Constantinople to the Turks in 1453. These two events precipitated the emergence of a sense of the role and responsibility of Muscovy as the spiritual and geo-political center of Orthodoxy, captured in the epithet the “Third Rome”: the first Rome had fallen into heresy and schism with the filioque and the papacy; Constantinople, the Second Rome, deviated from Orthodoxy by union with Latins and came under Turkish rule as a divine punishment, thereby losing its claim to pre-eminence in Orthodoxy. Muscovy, having rejected the union with Rome and freed itself from the Mongols, thus became the Third Rome of Christendom. The self-proclamation of the autocephaly of the Russian Church in 1448 and the election of the first patriarch of Moscow in 1589 reinforced the Third Rome theory. Although the idea of Muscovy as the Third Rome was not a dominant theme in subsequent centuries, it still featured in more traditionalist Russian circles; the Russian Church emphasized the universal nature of the Church over its particular ethnic or national expressions. But the rise of nationalism in the 19th century assaulted this universalist perspective, and the idea of a messianic role for Russia and the Russian Church resurfaced dramatically, captured in the epithet “Holy Russia”: the divinely-endowed destiny of Russia founded on the preservation and expansion of Orthodoxy, under the guidance of the twin institutions, the monarchy and the Russian Orthodox Church. In this vision, the tsar was expected to be “an apostle-like ruler,” with St. Vladimir as the prototype, leading his people to Christianity. This required the Church to support autocracy, which it did faithfully until the revolution. The Holy Russia theme was marked by key public events manifesting the union of ruler, church, and people: the 900th anniversary of the baptism of Rus, celebrated in Kyiv in 1888; the 500th anniversary of the death of St. Sergius in 1892; the canonization of St. Seraphim of Sarov in 1903. A more political variation of the Holy Russia theme was the imperial motto “Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality,“ and its later mutation “Faith, Tsar and Fatherland.” These socio-political motifs marked a departure from ecclesiological universalism, towards an identification of Orthodoxy with Russian nationalism and the imperial state, an “Orthodox patriotism,” seen as an alternative to modern secular nationalism. The third manifestation, perhaps surprisingly, was the communist vision of an ideal socialist society. As an atheistic philosophy, communism might appear far removed from the religious and Orthodox content of the Third Rome and Holy Russia, but communism is often considered a secular, atheistic religion, with its inspired founders, sacred books, saints worthy of veneration, and rituals; an abstract “humanity” compensated for the previous theistic content of the Russian idea. Russian Marxists saw their mission in much the same way as their Orthodox predecessors: to imbue all Russian society with their socio-political vision, and, beyond Russia itself, to neighboring lands, beginning with those which were part of the Russian Empire in 1914. The Red Army imposed Bolshevik rule throughout the collapsed Empire; forcible reinsertion into the Soviet Union was successful in Ukraine, Belorussia, Georgia, Central Asia, and Siberia (but failed in Finland and the Baltic States). In the interwar period, the universal application of Marxist philosophy was visible in the activities of the Communist International (Comintern or Third International), established to promote world communism, headed by the Soviet Union. After nearly collapsing from the assault of Hitler’s armies in the opening phase during World War II, the Soviet Union gained the upper hand on the battlefield as the Red Army marched through territories initially conquered by the Germans, then into neighboring countries to the West, all the way to Berlin, allowing the Soviets to impose communist-led governments throughout Eastern Europe—only Finland escaped. Flushed with its military, geopolitical and diplomatic successes in the war and immediately afterwards, the Soviet Union attempted to extend its tentacles even further, into Western Europe (where it was stopped by the formation of NATO), Latin America, and Africa, with some success. This dismal history highlights Russian-dominated communist universalist ideology as a secular variation of the “Russian idea,” that the Russian people and its political expression have a special mission to bring their vision of the future of humanity to the entire world. Here, this mission is not divinely-ordained, but self-appointed, at best dictated by an imperative arising from humanity itself – however inhuman its actual implementation was. The downfall of communism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union left an existential and ideological void: Russia no longer had a self-identity, a national purpose, an imperative world role. It was in this void that the “Russian idea” resurfaced in its earlier theistic and specifically Orthodox iterations of the Third Rome and Holy Russia. The Russky mir (Russian world) ideology, articulated by senior church officials, aims at extending the worldwide influence of both Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church. The contours of the Russky mir doctrine were spelled out in an address by Patriarch Kirill on 3 November 2009 at the Third Assembly of the Russkii Mir Foundation; Kirill mentioned God only three times and Christ not at all, while repeating 38 times the phrase Russky mir. The contours of Russky mir ideology and its theological weaknesses are well known. But there are important nuances among these iterations, the acquisition of increasingly dangerous mutations, especially with the expansion of state power. The Third Rome concept was largely ecclesial, and only loosely connected with the pre-modern state. The Holy Russia concept had a more political connotation, a unity of church and state to promote internal cohesion in an increasingly fragmented and restless empire, in a desperate attempt to hold back the forces of modernity; still, the notion was basically inward-looking. Although Holy Russia retained a powerful religious component, nationalism and autocracy were equally prominent ideological features. Under the Russky mir banner, Putin and Kirill are instilling into the Russian soul anti-Christian values far more successfully than Lenin and Stalin ever did, the cultivation of profound hatred, aggressiveness and violence against all enemies — those who refuse to submit to the personal and geopolitical ambitions of the Russian State and Church. The communist version of a special Russian mission stripped away its previously religious content, replacing it with secular, atheistic and humanist philosophy. The full force of this universalist philosophy was felt after World War II, as the Soviet Union expanded its power and control over the lands newly-incorporated into the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and worldwide. The notion of a divinely-appointed mission of the Russian people and the Russian State is thus deeply engrained in Russian consciousness, and it did not require much effort on the part of Patriarch Kirill and Vladimir Putin to re-awaken it in support of the ambition of the Russian Church to dominate world Orthodoxy, and of Vladimir Putin’s personal and geopolitical ambitions, especially the restoration of Russia’s territorial limits to those of the former Soviet Union. In practice in official state discourse, the religious component of Russky mir is decidedly secondary, far behind naked Russian nationalism and expansionism. In this final mutation of the Russian idea, its promoters have learned from the Bolshevik consolidation of power after the Revolution and from World War II that persuasion and propaganda are of little use in spreading their ideas and ideology, that the only truly effective way is the use of force, brute, unrestrained military force. Under the Russky mir banner, Putin and Kirill are instilling into the Russian soul anti-Christian values far more successfully than Lenin and Stalin ever did, the cultivation of profound hatred, aggressiveness and violence against all enemies — those who refuse to submit to the personal and geopolitical ambitions of the Russian State and Church. Whether Russia or Ukraine “wins” the war, one thing is certain: Putin and Kirill are fostering something very ugly in the Russian spirit, a spirit of ethno-nationalist hostility, aggressiveness, and violence, transparent under a thin veneer of Orthodoxy. Relaying aggressive state propaganda has replaced the Gospel as the prime message of the Russian Church. Even after Putin and Kirill are gone, Orthodoxy and the world will likely have to deal with this ugliness for long decades. The temptation to nationalism, especially ethno-nationalism, is a persisting canker in the Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church has a long way to go to recognize and to eliminate the evil of ethno-nationalism in its midst. In the mid-19th century, popular imagination in the United States was captivated by the idea that it was American manifest destiny to expand westward across the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains, to the Pacific. Russky mir is Russia’s manifest destiny with its call to Russian domination under president and patriarch in Orthodoxy, Europe and the world, the latest and least Christian iteration of the “Russian idea.” Ukraine is the first major victim of this manifest destiny. This article was originally published in Public Orthodoxy. The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the position of The Moscow Times. Paul Ladouceur Paul Ladouceur is Adjunct Professor, Orthodox School of Theology at Trinity College (University of Toronto) and Professeur associé, Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses, Université Laval (Québec).
Babylon´s Final Fall 02-01-2003 As we watch the violent religious drama of the Middle East unfold, centered on the ancient struggle between Israel and her Arab neighbors, many bible prophecy teachers are also proclaiming the imminent and sudden end of America as we know it. They say with America’s demise the infamous Antichrist will then arise in Europe or the Middle East to bring peace to Israel and the world. Some say that America is not mentioned in bible prophecy, so it must be destroyed prior to the rise of the Antichrist. However, by saying this they are acknowledging that America is presently the dominant power of this world system. Some are saying that Osama and Saddam have already placed suitcase size nuclear bombs, obtained from Russia, in many of America’ major cities. One prophecy website even predicts the next 911 will be the nuclear destruction of Phoenix. They say all these hidden bombs will be detonated at some point after America invades Iraq, thereby using “self defense” as the rallying cry for the world’s Islamic people to make war on Israel and America. Are these teachers correct? Is America in bible prophecy? Is America Babylon the Great? If so, when will she destroyed? We all know that if many of America’s major cities were destroyed by nuclear weapons, the fallout would spread across the nation killing millions, and effectively end America’s power grip on the world. However, these prophecy teachers fail to take into account that if America is suddenly attacked like that, the President would make every Arab Islamic capital and Moscow a nuclear wasteland in retaliation. This all out nuclear war would not only end America’s role as the world’s leader, but end the world as we know it. I have written before that the day will come to pass that a limited nuclear exchange would take place on the Earth when the Russian-Arab armies invade Israel, igniting the third world war. This invasion will take place after the treacherous and deceptive peace treaty the Islamic world makes with Israel and America, Revelation 6:1-4, Daniel 8:25, 9:27. This is when all out nuclear war becomes a nightmarish possibility. But the risen Jesus Christ, the God of Israel, will cause the nuclear exchange to cease by supernaturally destroying, with angelic fire from the heavens, the Russian-Arab armies in the mountains of Israel. For if he did not intervene the entire human race would perish, Ezekiel 38:22-23, Revelation 8:7, Matthew 24:21-22. Although it is possible for some kind of weapon of mass destruction to be detonated in America, which would be used by the President to solidify his international power base and to justify more attacks on Islamic terrorists and their host nations, America’s final fall from power and world dominance will not occur until the last days of God’s judgment on the nations. As a matter of prophetic fact, America will remain the greatest, richest nation on Earth during this judgment period known as Daniel’s 70th Week. For Jesus Christ will reserve the final fall of America, Babylon the Great, for himself. He does not require the evil services of Islamic terrorists or the nuclear might of Russia to accomplish his plans. In a strange and ironic way, America will remain the lone superpower right up until the final days of Daniel’s 70th Week. Upon seeing the defeat of Israel and these deadly fires from the heavens destroying the Russian-Islamic forces, the great false church or harlot that dwells in America will initially reassure the President that because terrible death and destruction has befallen Israel and other nations, and not America, proves that God has destined America to be his chosen people, protecting them from the evil of the enemies of democracy and political freedom. They will proudly announce that God has forgiven America of its sins that caused the judgment of September 11. This delusion and blindness to the truth is the result of teaching the corrupted patriotic, psychology, and prosperity gospel to the American people in conjunction with a distorted understanding of the end time biblical prophecies. Daniel’s 70th Week of 2520 days begins with America establishing political, economic and religious peace in the Middle East, highlighted by the agreement to rebuild Israel’s Temple, Daniel 9:27, Revelation 6:2. Daniel’s week ends with the destruction of America from coast to coast, and the triumphant return of the Lord Jesus Christ to establish true peace and goodwill on Earth for one thousand years, Daniel 2:44-45, Jeremiah 25:26, Revelation 18, 19. As the 70th Week draws down to its final days, the God of Israel has prepared three final knockout blows for America. I say this with immense sorrow, for no follower of Jesus Christ enjoys watching people perish. Like our Lord, we want all people to come to repentance, that none perish. For we all have sinned against God and deserve his wrath upon us. But we must keep in mind that our Lord has given the nations 2000 years to make up their minds who they want to serve, Jesus Christ or mammon (money and self). It will be made very clear at that time to those who have rejected the returning Jesus Christ, to follow a false counterfeit of him, that they have consciously and deliberately rejected the prophecy of his imminent bodily return to establish his kingdom. The seal of this rejection will be the loyalty mark of the President, Revelation 13:16-18. Even the angels of God will openly appear, warning everyone not to receive the mark, that Jesus is alive and coming, Revelation 14:8-11. In the final days, at the time of the 7th Bowl judgment poured out by God’s angel, the first of three lethal blows on America will come to pass. Read carefully the following scripture: Revelation 18:8-10….”Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine, and she shall be utterly burned with fire; for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgment come.” We see here the complete and utter destruction of America’s political and economic foundations by angelic fire from the heavens, much like that which befell Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis 19:24-25. America’s cities, which housed the abortion mills, the decadent homosexual lifestyle, the military fortresses, and the businessmen who were filled with covetousness and greed, will in one hour be burning out of control. No city will escape untouched by God’s holy angels. At some point after the devastating fires, those who have survived by fleeing the cities, will tremble in fear and horror, as the second blow is struck upon America. Again, read carefully this scripture: Revelation 16:17-19….”And the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell; and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.” The ground will shake beneath the feet of every human being on Earth. An earthquake of unprecedented magnitude, the “big one” many have been predicting for years will finally come to pass. It will level the charred remains of America’s cities and all the cities of the nations will be damaged. I believe the epi-center of this earthquake will be in America, thereby causing greater destruction. The land mass of America will be split and divided into three pieces, with bodies of water in between. As a result of this gigantic earthquake, the entire planet will undergo changes as mountains are flattened and islands are moved out of their place. In other words, God is going to re-configure the continents again, Genesis 10:25. The few Americans who have survived these first two blows will not have much time to regroup, for the final third blow will soon finish them off. Again, I want all to know how hard it is to write these words, for all of my family and friends live here in America, and not all love the Lord Jesus Christ. Read carefully these scriptures: Revelation 18:21….”And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city, Babylon, be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.” Jeremiah 51:41-43….”How is Sheshach taken! And how is the praise of the whole earth surprised! How is Babylon become an horror among the nations. The sea is come up upon Babylon; she is covered with the multitude of its waves. Her cities are a desolation, a dry land, and a wilderness, a land in which no man dwelleth, neither doth any son of man pass by it.” John the apostle is shown by vision an angel casting a great stone from the heavens, hitting the sea in such a way that gigantic waves will completely cover the divided, mountainless land mass of America, drowning all those who remain. As the waters later recede the land will be left desolate for one thousand years, as a reminder to those who repopulate the Earth in the kingdom of Jesus Christ, that the penalty for rebellion against God is death and Hell. Along with its birth as the New Testament’s Babylon the Great in 1776, who can deny that America has also deteriorated or degenerated into the likeness of Sodom and Gomorrah. This society and generation has, by condoning and accepting the homosexual lifestyle, by murdering helpless children in their mother’s womb, by their bottomless appetite for money and worldly goods, and by their militant, religious arrogance and national pride, planted the seeds of their own destruction. God’s wrath and judgment is at hand. Are there any who want to be saved from this? Before we can be saved from the wrath that is now at the door, we must understand the depth of our rebellion. We all have, in one way or another, cried out like the Jewish people did before Pontius Pilate….”We shall not have this man to reign over us,” Luke 19:14. How can we reject such love and forgiveness from God, who would come to this rebellious, demon infested planet as a man and allow himself to be humiliated and killed and at the same time pay the bloody price for all sins of all men. There is not one of us who is innocent of this horrible offense against the Lord Jesus Christ. If you haven’t done so already, please come to the bloody cross of Jesus Christ and let him come into your heart and give you eternal life, joy, and peace. Receiving the Holy Spirit, through repentance of sin and faith in his shed blood, is the only way to escape the approaching wrath to come. |
Hedonists and Martyrs by Anton Bosch
Dear friends,
I am forwarding to you another well-written letter from Anton Bosch. Like Rick Frueh, Anton’s writings awaken my heart and cause me to renew my mind and be strengthened by the Spirit of God. Too many who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ are being put to slumber and sleep by the prosperity, psycho-babble, political, and patriotic gospel that rules over Christendom in America and the Western world in general.
What first caught my attention when reading Anton’s letter was his declaration that what passes for Church history taught in religious schools usually is describing the apostate Church. I couldn’t agree more. This reminded me of what the Apostle John describes in Revelation 17 as the Great Harlot that was so close to the truth it caused John to be amazed and astonished.
It is my hope and prayer that all of us renew our hearts and minds as we realize the tremendous suffering of our brothers in other lands will soon visit the Western world. Our lives in America are about to change as there is an increasing bitterness and anger in the mouths of those who rule the political-religious institutions of the Great Harlot and Beast that she is riding. Those of us who call them to Godly sorrow and repentance are becoming more than just a little thorn in their side.
Your eternal friend,
From: Anton Bosch To: Anton Bosch Subject: Hedonists and Martyrs
Hedonists and Martyrs
While reviewing church history recently I was reminded of some of the things we should learn from history. But before I share those with you, I want to remind you that what normally passes for church history is the history of the apostate church (lower case “c”). The history of the true Church is not normally taught in Bible schools and seminaries except for a passing mention to the little groups of true believers that were a thorn in the side of the institutional churches.
The following are the central truths we learn from Church history:
· Even in the darkest hours of the last 2,000 years there have always been true believers and true Churches in this world.
· The real Church has always been small in numbers and poor in political power, finances and popularity.
· True churches and believers have always been persecuted.
It is on this third point I want to dwell for a few minutes. Persecution has come from many different sources, even though the ultimate source remains Satan and his forces.
The Jews, initially under the leadership of Saul of Tarsus, persecuted and killed believers beginning with Stephen. Of course Jesus was the first “Christian” martyr, and before the New Testament many prophets were also brutally killed by Israel because of their message.
The Roman government persecuted and brutally martyred the believers for almost 300 years until Constantine in 312AD.
Immediately after 312 the Roman church took over from the Roman government and began to persecute believers who did not submit to their authority. Persecution under the Church of Rome continued for the next 1700 years right up to the present, reaching its peak during the inquisition (c. 1200 to c. 1600). It is very difficult to find an accurate estimate of the numbers of people killed by the Roman church but the best studies indicate a number of around 80 million Christians in addition to witches and others killed by Rome![1]
Even while Rome was killing Protestants, the Reformation leaders were torturing and killing Anabaptists and other believers who disagreed with them. Just one of many to die at the hand of the Reformers was Michael Sattler, a true believer. “He was shamefully mutilated in different parts of the town, then brought to the gate, and what remained of him thrown on the fire, His wife and some other Christian women were drowned, and a number of brethren who were with him in prison were beheaded.”[2] All the Protestant leaders, including Luther, engaged in the most severe and cruel torture and murder of anyone who disagreed with them but the most vicious of all was Calvin. In Geneva he institutionalized torture and death as a legitimate means to change people’s views and purge the “church” of dissenters.
In addition there are the massive persecutions of Christians, many still ongoing, by Muslims, Chinese Governments, Communists and all sorts of other unbelievers right across the world. Just recently I was shocked to hear that a friend, and former colleague, as well as two women, were brutally killed and mutilated by Satanists in South Africa, making them (as far as I know) the first martyrs to die for the faith in South Africa. It is estimated that today[3], more Christians in the world are being persecuted than are free to worship the true God. A comprehensive Pew Forum study last year found that Christians are persecuted in 131 countries containing 70 percent of the world’s population. Other studies indicate that between 100,000 and 200,000 Christians are being martyred for their faith every year[4] and that around 200 million Christians are denied fundamental human rights because of their faith.
All this should not come as a surprise since the New Testament is replete with statements that persecution would be the norm for Christians. In Jesus’ first mention about the Church he spoke of the war that would be brought against His Church. “…on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18). Paul said: “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12). And Peter said “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you” (1 Peter 4:12).
In spite of the evidence of history and the plain teaching of the Bible, the vast majority of Christians in the so-called “Free World”, still believe that it is the right of Christians to be popular, fairly treated and respected and that a “happy” life should be the norm for believers.
But as I read again about how most true Christians have been mistreated and how they lived as vagabonds and fugitives throughout the last two centuries, I began to think about my own life and how easily I complain about the relatively minor inconveniences and rejection I experience because of the truth. I felt ashamed that I dare complain when thousands, right now, are experiencing the most extreme physical pain, emotional anguish and death for the sake of the Gospel. Who am I to grumble when I am free to come and go, live in relative comfort and enjoy the company of my wife while others are in prison, being tortured and killed?
But I also thought about how easily many stay away from the gathering of believers because it is too hot, too cold, or they are too tired because of watching TV or partying too late on Saturday night. I struggle to reconcile this picture with the one of men and women being torn apart by dogs, their limbs pulled from their bodies on the rack and the smell of burning human flesh on the fires of the persecutors. I struggle to understand how some are unwilling to give up their sinful pleasures when millions have to give up their very lives.
I struggle to understand how the pleasure-centered and self-centered “Christian” of the West can claim to share a common faith with the martyrs. I struggle to understand how preachers who preach a gospel of happiness, prosperity and popularity believe that their message is the same message that was preached by the faithful minority of the last 2,000 years, who like the prophets of old: “…had trial of mockings and scourgings, yes, and of chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented – of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth.” (Hebrews 11:36-38).
Can the faith that results in persecution, torture, and death be the same faith that promises carnal happiness, a new Mercedes and popularity? Can the faith that pursues pleasure, comfort and earthly happiness be the same faith that counts it a privilege to suffer for His name? Will the hedonist[5] and the martyr share the same heaven?
Anton Bosch [email protected] 9070 Sunland Blvd Sun Valley, CA, 91352 www.antonbosch.org www.sunvalleycommunity.org
[1] David A Plaisted. Estimates of the Number Killed by the Papacy in the Middle Ages and Later. 2006.